Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam (Nintendo 3DS)

Mario becomes fixated on the ball’s spin as it floats toward him. Up to this point, the rally had been impeccable, dealing damaging blow after blow to their menacing foe. Now, it was all up to Mario to finish the job. Missing this opportunity would leave his team vulnerable to a counter-attack, which was not an option seeing as Luigi’s low health had him teetering on the point of collapse.

With his feet firmly dug in, Mario pulls back his racket, takes a deep breath, and swings with all his strength. The impact is mighty, causing the ball to propel forward as if it were a heat-seeking missile. Direct hit! Mario, Luigi, and Paper Mario throw up their hands in triumph, permitting themselves a brief moment of celebration before moving on with their quest.

Nintendo Badge Arcade (Nintendo 3DS)

He’s looking at me with such excitement in his eyes. I’ve managed to stay strong all week. “It’s cool…” he’s told me every time I’ve turned down his offer.

But today seems to be Badge Bunny’s lucky day. “Oh, what the heck!” I say to myself before I confirm that, yes, I’ll purchase some plays on the crane machine so I can try to snag some of those adorable Animal Crossing badges.

Badge Bunny can hardly contain his glee. He busies himself, getting me all set up to spend real money for virtual badges.

Two dollars later, I’ve managed to secure all but two of the Animal Crossing badges. Somehow, knowing the badge set is incomplete seems worse than not having any badges at all.

I stare at my 3DS’s screen, pondering what course of action to take next…

Puzzle Swap (Nintendo 3DS)

I can tell my wife is getting annoyed that I’m staring at my 3DS and lagging behind, but I’m trying to let all the Miis through the gate so I can see if they have any puzzle pieces.

I told her I was attempting to get as many new pieces as I could while were at WonderCon because opportunities like this don’t come along too often.

“Well, you did warn me this would happen…” She still seems a little perturbed but she’s cutting me some slack.

Only two of the ten most recent Miis had pieces I need. Darn. I close my 3DS for the time being and hope for better luck with the next set of passers-by.

Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon (Nintendo 3DS)

Good night. Luigi has had enough. The world fades to black.

Yet, it’s not over…

Luigi is roused by the feeling of something nuzzling around his overalls, followed by a wet sensation on his face. He opens his eyes… It’s Polterpup! The spectral canine barks hello then bounds off with his prize: the golden bone Luigi had found hidden in the mansion. Luigi takes a moment to regain his bearings, then stands up, grabs his Poltergust 5000, and returns to the fight.

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (Nintendo 3DS/Wii U)

Damn it, I don’t have time for this nonsense. Normally I just try to ignore those annoying Melynx, but now one of them has stolen something important from me. Well, he asked for it. My hammer comes crashing down on his head, stopping him dead in his tracks. I’ve recovered my item, but now the thief’s companions are closing in on me. Big mistake. Within seconds my weapon fells them both. Hopefully those jerks have learned a lesson today, though I doubt it.

Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan (Nintendo 3DS)

We were too careless, and now our medic has fallen. Everyone in our party is severely wounded, and we are without any medicine to heal ourselves. A thorough search of our supplies reveals we neglected to bring along an Ariadne Thread, so the only way back to town is on foot. If we encounter any enemies, our only option is to flee. Sure, it may not be a heroic strategy, but survival takes precedence over all else. If only we hadn’t let the allure of discovery blind us to our limitations! We had considered turning back multiple times, but the excitement of seeing what was around the next corner became all too addictive. Now, I fear, this may be our final foray into the labyrinth. We can sense that threats are close, and no mercy will be provided to us. Should death find us, may it be quick and honorable.

Find Mii (Nintendo 3DS)

They haven’t given up, I’ll give them that. For the past few days, five feline adventurers have attempted to free me from my prison. Alas, the room I’m trapped in is pitch black, and the brave kitties can’t make any headway on liberating me. Maybe it’s all in vain. I almost feel guilty that so much effort is being wasted on me. I think I hear them approaching now. Yes, they’ve entered the room. I’m ready for another disappointment. Wait a minute. What’s this? A light?! Yes! One of the brave warriors has used magic to illuminate the room! Hooray! But… oh no. There are two armored ghosts guarding my cage. At least my would-be rescuers can see what they’re up against. They swing their swords with mighty blows, but it’s not enough defeat my captors. The cats make their retreat. Still, this is progress. This gives me hope. Perhaps tomorrow I shall be free. But for now, I guess there’s nothing to do but be patient.

Ridge Racer 3D (Nintendo 3DS)

As we round the corner, I’m caught off guard by a helicopter hovering closely above the track. I lose my concentration and overcompensate for the turn, bumping into the car next to me. The driver takes advantage of the situation and uses the momentum from the collision to jettison ahead into first place. Damn it, we’re too close to the finish line for mistakes like this. I find my way into my rival’s slipstream and cut the distance between us inch-by-inch. Finally it’s time to make my move. I fire off the last of my nitrous and make a break for the finish line. We’re seconds away. This is going to be close!

Steel Diver (Nintendo 3DS)

Conditions are terrible: It’s pouring rain, the water is choppy, visibility is poor, and dangers lurk everywhere. A flash of lightning reveals the silhouettes of incoming bombers. If we sit here we’re toast, so it’s time to get a move on. We power forward at full steam but this turns out to be a mistake. A battleship sits right above us, dropping depth charges with reckless abandon. Our path blocked, I order a speedy reverse. It’s out of the frying pan into the fire. The planes we spotted earlier are now in range, dropping their payloads into the ocean. We have no place to hide and our sub takes heavy damage. “Mayday! Mayday!” I direct the crew to make one last attempt to forge ahead and hunt for cover, but anything we do at this point is futile. We’re done for.

Pilotwings Resort (Nintendo 3DS)

From up here, the sea and the horizon seem to meet so far off in the distance that it seems unfathomable. I take a glance below me and peer into the depths of a massive volcano, noticing lava bubbling deep within. I’d better steer clear of there! The sun has almost set and the sky has taken on a deep orange hue. I dip my glider downward and soon I’m speeding toward a small town square near the coast. After zooming between buildings I catch an updraft and within seconds I’m high above the island yet again, anxious to see where the wind takes me next.