Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan (Nintendo 3DS)

We were too careless, and now our medic has fallen. Everyone in our party is severely wounded, and we are without any medicine to heal ourselves. A thorough search of our supplies reveals we neglected to bring along an Ariadne Thread, so the only way back to town is on foot. If we encounter any enemies, our only option is to flee. Sure, it may not be a heroic strategy, but survival takes precedence over all else. If only we hadn’t let the allure of discovery blind us to our limitations! We had considered turning back multiple times, but the excitement of seeing what was around the next corner became all too addictive. Now, I fear, this may be our final foray into the labyrinth. We can sense that threats are close, and no mercy will be provided to us. Should death find us, may it be quick and honorable.

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