Whitewater Wipeout (Playdate)

I cut into the wave and gain momentum before hurtling upward toward the sun. One revolution… two revolutions… three! I meet the wave with grace and catch my balance before I make another pass at it. Here we go. Uh-oh, something’s not right. I didn’t launch with as much air as I had intended, but I’m feeling greedy. Let’s see how this goes… one, two, and — wipeout! So much for this round. I can barely look at the score without wincing.

Fortnite (PC)

“You’re garbage, bro.” I wake with a start. What time is it? I take a peek at the clock. 2:37 am. “Ha ha ha ha ha.” He’s laughing so loudly. Do I get out of bed and ask him to quiet down? It’s so cold tonight but it’s warm and cozy under the covers. I hear more trash talking, though it sounds like it’s all in good fun. I close my eyes and listen, happy that my son is safe and sound at home and a little sad that in but a couple years’ time his room will likely be quiet and empty. I decide to just enjoy the moment, and I’m back asleep before too long.

Demon’s Tilt (Nintendo Switch/PC)

I cradle the ball with my fliipper and wait for the traffic of foes to line up just right. The time comes and I make the shot, taking out all of the enemies with one fell swoop. The priestess looks on, unimpressed by my feat. I rally the ball and land it just where I want it. An explosion. A cry of despair. Blood is dripping from her eyes. I briefly contemplate going in for seconds, but there are larger rewards to be found elsewhere. I aim upwards and move the ball higher up the field before the priestess can collect her thoughts and retaliate.

Splatoon 3 (Nintendo Switch)

Seconds remain, and it’s still anyone’s game. The time is now or never. I unleash my giant mallet and hang on for dear life. Smash, smash, smash, smash. I barrel ahead, hoping to cover as much ground as possible and potentially take out an opponent or two in the process.

There’s the whistle and the round is over. Let’s see how we did. On first glance, it’s too close to call. The ink is tallied up and — what’s this? Triumph! Our squad dons our win poses and I look to the teammate next to me. We bump fists at a job well done as we bask in our victory.