Tetris Attack (Game Boy)

Our favorite thrift store on a Saturday afternoon is, as always, a complete zoo. After circling the parking lot for about five minutes, we finally find a spot and soon we’re inside the store. My son and I head over to the electronics counter and scour the wall of goodies. There is only one clerk on duty and she’s busy showing a man a chainsaw. He’s taking forever to look at it and I’m starting to feel impatient. Finally he decides not to buy it, hands it back to the clerk, and she turns to me. I ask her to show me a basket filled with old games and proceed to dig my way through it, looking for anything interesting. When all seems lost, I finally come across a very clean copy of Tetris Attack and I decide to buy it. My wife, meanwhile, has found an amazing play rug as well as a Thomas the Tank Engine kids chair. We make our way home with our treasures and before long I’m on Yoshi’s Island, moving blocks around to make them disappear before they reach the top of the screen. Why would someone part with this? At least this charming little cartridge has gone to a good home!

Trax (Game Boy)

At first glance, my tank doesn’t seem like it has what it takes to topple the enemy. In fact, it’s downright cute. But take another look and you’ll see that not only can it move in any direction in a flash, but it’s easily upgradable with formidable firepower. In other words, my tank may be small but it is definitely mighty. That’s a good thing, too, as I’ve got to charge through plenty of hostile territory before the day is done. I’m being blasted at from every direction, but my vehicle is deft enough to dodge the attacks and lob plenty of explosives back at ’em. Still, it seems amazing that one vehicle can topple such a massive army. Then again, with enemies including a dragon-headed tank wearing boxing gloves, a gigantic mech that keeps tripping over its own two feet, and a lunatic metal clown whose main weapon appears to be its long tongue, perhaps my enemy is more comedic than fierce after all.